Meet the Team - Suanne Edmiston and Hannah Determan
The State Freedom Caucus Network has grown rapidly over the last three years, so we thought it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves to all our new supporters and followers. If you missed our last eight emails, we did a short Q&A with:
This week are two more of our amazing state directors representing Arizona (Suanne Edmiston) and South Dakota (Hannah Determan).
Two interesting facts about them - Suanne is always in learning mode and even keeps a list of new hobbies she’d like to try, and then pursue them when there’s the opportunity. Hannah graduated from South Dakota State University in May 2024 with a degree in Economics.
What is your role at SFCN? I am the State Director in Arizona for SFCN.
Where are you from originally? Where do you live now? I’m originally from New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, and I currently live in Phoenix, Arizona.
Tell us about your family! And pets! I am the fourth of four daughters. Much of my family, including my parents, still live in western Pennsylvania and the surrounding area. I now have a cat, but it’s more accurate to say that he adopted me. His name is Mordecai. He ran up to me in my parking lot about 6 months after moving to Phoenix. I definitely had no intention of getting a pet, but every evening I’d go outside to see if he was around, and he usually was. That went on for about a month and when I decided to take him to the vet to see what the situation was, the vet basically said that I was his new owner, declaring “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” The whole thing was actually pretty odd, but he is definitely a treasure!
What's the best part of your job? There are many wonderful aspects, but I think the best part is using my skillset to provide reinforcement to the dedicated, smart and principled members I get to work with on a daily basis. I fully appreciate that government service is not easy when your motivations are correct and your principles resolute. And yet, there are so many forces trying to tear you from that principled path. I enjoy being able to provide whatever I can – research, analysis, facts, data, recommendations – to oppose the corrupting forces of “consensus” (often cronyism, more accurately) at any cost.
How did you come to SFCN? What did you do before? Prior to SFCN, I served on Capitol Hill for almost 11 years. During those years, I worked for three House members, starting in my home district (now PA-16), and then the fourth district of Iowa and the first district of Texas. I was blessed with wonderful bosses, colleagues, and constituents, which made the hard slog in the Swamp manageable. Overall, it was a wonderful experience and training, learning from those who battled the swamp daily and tirelessly for many years to keep their constituents as the reason for being. Connie Hair, current State Director in Louisiana, was my Chief of Staff in Congressman Louie Gohmert’s office. Connie knew the State Director in Arizona was an open position, and connected me to Andy and Justin. That was over two years ago now, and it’s been an adventure and privilege to serve in this new and exciting capacity fighting for freedom in Arizona.
Who or what most shaped your political philosophy/ideology? This is really hard, because there have been so many. My parents and extended family definitely formed the foundation. The news, talk radio and lively “debate” was and remains on a loop in my parental home. I’m grateful that I had the principle of intellectual freedom ingrained very early, because I think it allowed me to pursue learning with curiosity, to find the valuable in every source while not feeling the need to accept any one source’s position in totality. With time, I find myself looking more and more toward Jesus in all things. In our work, I think often about how the Lord is such a gentleman, that he does not impose himself on his own creation. I think there’s a strong message to be extracted from that truth that is highly relevant in many aspects of life, including human government: just because a government can impose itself, doesn’t mean it should. I also find Thomas Acquinas very helpful in his commentary on the law and how we make ethical decisions concerning it. I studied him many years ago, but his wisdom is often echoing in my head as I read, review, analyze and assess legislation.
*Pick One To Answer*: Favorite food? Favorite place to vacation? Favorite Book? Favorite Quote? There’s so many, but I’ll pick a quote that I think is very grounding, maybe even especially so in our times: "Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me". - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
What is your role at SFCN? I’m the South Dakota State Director! I work to advance liberty in the state by working with Freedom Caucus members and other conservative legislators.
Where are you from originally? Where do you live now? I’m originally from Minnesota but have spent the last few years in Oklahoma. Now, I’m settling into South Dakota!
Tell us about your family! And pets! I have two younger siblings—my brother is in college, and my sister is a high school junior. My dog, Aspen, is seven years old and is living with my family in Oklahoma. I also got engaged to my fiancé, Zach, ten months ago! We’ve been together for three years and are getting married in September.
What's the best part of your job? I love the hustle of legislative advocacy at the Capitol and working alongside Freedom Caucus legislators.
How did you come to SFCN? What did you do before? A connection in South Dakota referred me to SFCN. Before that, I worked at Young Americans for Liberty as a Deputy Regional Director.
Who or what most shaped your political philosophy/ideology? My faith defines my politics. I was also raised in a conservative household—my mom was politically active in grassroots when I was growing up, and my dad always has The Blaze TV on at home! My time at Young Americans for Liberty also introduced me to incredible mentors who further shaped my philosophy.
*Pick One To Answer*: Favorite food? Favorite place to vacation? Favorite Book? Favorite Quote? My favorite vacation has always been visiting family in Oklahoma!
Keep fighting,
Andrew Roth
State Freedom Caucus Network
P.S. Your help is critical in building out a network of patriots and freedom fighters throughout our nation’s state capitols and in your home state. Please consider a contribution and join us as we work to advance the cause of liberty.