In our newsletter last week, we had great news to share about the result of the GOP primary elections in Idaho.
Not only did they result in a net growth for the Idaho Freedom Caucus, but they resulted in the ousting of RINO Senate Pro Temp. Chuck Winder, who had removed IDFC members from committee chairmanships for criticizing him.
Well, this week voters in South Dakota and Montana went to the polls to cast their primary votes and the results got even better.
If you recall our emails from last year, we wrote at length about the war our South Dakota Freedom Caucus waged against the use of eminent domain against landowners to build a carbon capture pipeline. It was backed by massive federal green energy subsidies and provided no public benefit aside from lowering the ESG scores of ethanol plants in Iowa.
Surveyors from the company building the pipeline, Summit Carbon Solutions, were entering private property without permission, sometimes even drilling into the land - all without a permit to build the pipeline.
So the SDFC led the charge in the last legislative session to pass bills protecting property rights. But Summit had their lobbyists at the state capital ready to buy off elected Republicans so they would vote to kill it.
Well, the voters and the landowners were certainly paying attention. In Tuesday’s primary elections, a total of 14 incumbent Republicans lost, including the House Majority Whip, with property rights as the top focus.
It was a true political earthquake for the state of South Dakota.
Even better news: All of our SDFC incumbents won re-election and the caucus is set to gain new members!
Not only was South Dakota a major success, but the future is also looking bright in the state of Montana.
The RINOs in the state challenged over twenty of our Montana Freedom Caucus members. The bad news: We lost the great State Rep. Steve Galloway. The good news: The rest of our members were re-elected and the caucus is set to pick up new members.
To date, our Freedom Caucuses have only lost three members across the states of Louisiana, Illinois, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Idaho, South Dakota, and Montana and each caucus is set to grow larger for the next session.
Up next: All eyes will now turn to South Carolina this upcoming Tuesday, where our SC Freedom Caucus is fighting for re-election, they’ve recruited over 30 challengers to RINO incumbents, and our SCFC Chairman Rep. Adam Morgan is locked in a tight race for Congress. We are hopeful that our great winning streak will continue. Say a quick prayer for them.
All of the success that the state freedom caucuses are having was made possible by your support for us. Please help us continue to grow and expand by donating now!
Keep fighting,
Andy Roth
State Freedom Caucus Network
P.S. Your help is critical in building out a network of patriots and freedom fighters throughout our nation’s state capitols and in your home state. Please consider a contribution and join us as we work to advance the cause of liberty.